Glory unleashed
The falls of Iguassu are deafening. It’s nice, though, meditative- the vibrations pounding out all other thought… except for the random fantasies about what it might feel like to take that plunge, knowing that fish and other animals must find themselves in that unfortunate predicament quite regularly. How would you feel if you one day found yourself plunging down some great chasm of water and rock, unable to move in any direction but those imposed by the violent forces around you? Sound like it would suck about as hard as the Garganta del Diablo. Let’s just hope we keep our eyes and ears open enough to avoid such situations.
After blowing our minds at the falls, we hoped on a bus to Florianopolis, or Floripa, as it’s affectionately called. Seven days later and we’re still there. We found a hostel smack on the beach, where there are parties every night, chill people, excellent food, icecream buffets, beer, etc. And we swam, surfed, and played beach futbol. No stress, no obligations, no travel, no hassle… just pure relaxation. Just what the doctor ordered. Lada and I have decided to take it very easy these last few weeks. We’ve seen enough to keep us satisfied for a while… the need to ‘see it all’ has faded just about as fast as my worn tees.
Now we’re waiting on a bus to the ‘Magic’ city of Rio de Janiero… or Hio, as the Brazilians call it. We’ll spend 4 nights there, then get a tour of the city from some of Jim’s friends. And on the 21st, Jim and Deb arrive and we ride with them to his house in Tere!
Two days there and it’s back to Rio for the long-dreaded goodbye to Pootie. Don’t expect to hear from me much between now and then…
Lada and I want to say thank you to everyone who followed our travels. And also a big, ‘love you’ to all those who know we do, and also to those who don’t but should, and maybe to some of those who shouldn’t. Ah, screw it, he’s a big ‘LOVE YOU’ to all.
Hope your new year is blowing your mind. This year is going to be big. VERY BIG. This is the year everything changes.